Trying my hand at something new! I have always loved to I thought this might be an avenue that I can do something I enjoy and potentially impact a few more people than I would otherwise. It will mostly be about horse related tips, things that have worked for us (or others) horsey photos, beautiful photography....that sort of thing. But once in awhile you'll also find some personal development tips that have helped us grow as people and become better....maybe some of those things can help you too....a little earlier in life than we discovered perhaps. You should also know that we are practicing Christians....and I say practicing because we're far from perfect...but we're striving to inherit His kingdom and bring people with us! If that offends you, please just pass us by....although I feel badly for you if you do....Anyway, today I'll add a photo that combines a little of each....a beautiful horse and a timeless message to help get us through these turbulent COVID 19 days. Enjoy.