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The Future of Carter Acres

A wise man once told us that the key to improving was to "keep some of the best ones and buy only the best ones." We've taken that to heart and we think our future is bright. 

CA One Karat Jewel
2018 Bay Roan Filly
KaratFilly (27) Sz 500.jpg
CA Black Pearl
2019 Black Filly
CA Indigo Cat
2019 Blue Roan Colt
Super excited to see how this guy grows up...stallion potential for sure! Cat Smart Boonsmal qualified for the AQHA World Show in his first AQHA show. WR This Cats Smart (2011 AQHA leading sire of NRCHA horses) foals have won approximately $5 million in western performance competition. Genuine as Diamonds is a full brother to all-time leading sire, Shining Spark, Fancy Red Bark was an amazing using ranch stallion and LJSR Shamrock and CA Minx are gorgeous broodmares. This kid should have it ALL! 
Raising Performance Horses with a Solid Foundation

Ranch, Performance and Breeding Stock Prospects

Available at all Times

Lazy JS Ranch
14104 83rd St. SW
Bowman, ND 58623

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701-440-0094 or 701-440-0714


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  • Lazy JS Ranch
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